Monday, July 14, 2008

OMG. Reverse psychology really works!

Woahhhhhh. Its been like 123987462137565 years since ive updated. And i still get taggs. Aww, im so loved. HAHA

So yeah, been busy with projects and shit, and TESTS. Hurrrr.

I still dont get that subject. Who does anyway with a shitass tutor like Mr ____________. I swear he looks like friggin Hitler. (HAHA)

Yeah. Thats him alright. That asshole dickface.

On a lighter note, yours truly has finally gotten the hang of poly life. ^^ Heh heh heh.

On a sadder note, yours truly's great grandmother has just passed away. Please give him your condolences as he was very close to his great grandmother. The house issnt the same without her. She was my happy pill. =( Everytime i was pissed off or angry at something, i talk to her. Cause if you get into an arguement with her, she would spout nonsense that will make even hitler (see above) laugh uncontrollably.

3 deaths in 6 years. Woah. I must be some death charm or something. Frick.

Shit, and i still owe a Hip-Hop jelly to someone. Tskkkkk


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